Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Fear is a bad engine!!


Fear is a bad engine!!!

Years ago I defended my PhD in Theoretical Linguistics. But I realized I wanted to do art. So I left the university (even it was not easy) and decided to take up creativity.

It happened that I came to Paris without planning it and lived there for almost 2 years.

Once I was sitting in a large company of artists. One friend artist asked me what I wanted to do. I replied that I wanted to draw. I meant in my life now! But he understood it literally, left and came back with a sheet of paper and a pencil and said: "Draw!"

I was a little shy from surprise. I did not know where to start. There were many people looking at me. What if I draw something wrong? So I draw nothing...

Later this artist told me an interesting phrase that was imprinted in my mind: "La peur est un mauvais moteur." ("Fear is a bad motor.")

I kept reflecting on this phrase for a couple of days. Then I bought canvases, oil paints and brushes, read a little about how to mix everything (I never painted with oils!!) and started painting!

Why am I telling you this story? I want you to go through your fears. Many times our fears block us from living our life, from doing what we like.

In childhood everything is simple - we just do what we like. As adults we are blocked by irrational fears.

But it is important to go through fear, make mistakes, learn and find your Trueself.

And remember "La peur est un mauvais moteur."🙌

Do not trust little voice in your head🙂


Don't trust the voice in your head🙌

Our brain is a brilliant genius instrument which helps us survive in material world. Without brain we cannot exist!

Your brain is made to protect you.  It is doing great it's work. That is why it has fears.

But your brain will stop you from development. Because it's work is to economy energy and not to go into fear.

And we cannot live without development. Because there is no way to stay still. If we do not walk ahead, that means we degrade.

Listen to your spirit, to your heart to risk when it's worth it, to take the unknown path, to jump into unknown when you are ready and you feel it's the right thing to do🌹💞🙂🌞

I have been sculpting since 3 y.o.


I have been sculpting since I was 3.5 years old.

In a way, I'm very lucky. As a child, I had a sensitive stomach and due to this fact I was not taken to kindergarten😔

Therefore, my mother took me to clay modelling kids studio (thank you, mom🙏)

At the age of 0 to 5 years, the basic and fundamental worldview of the child is formed. I am glad that my worldview was formed through modeling clay in a totally free way.

Yes, that's about being Creator and being free! I could sculpt whatever I wanted. Our sensitive and kind teacher never pressed or forced kids, but only helped to implement our projects.

So I learnt the taste of freedom and creativity from childhood and no longer wanted to part with it.

Perhaps my brain missed something by not going through the standard set of activities in kindergarten. But modeling sculpture helped me form an original vision of the world and a unique approach to creativity and problem solving.

Sometimes I get lost and cannot quickly understand or perceive some banal routine things. But I can easily come up with original ideas and non-standard solutions.

I realize how unique each person and her or his perception is. How valuable it is for a human to develop her or his own unique qualities and abilities and to express them into the world 🌎