Friday, July 19, 2024

My new sculpture from CREATOR series!


CREATOR H (Eta): Truth and Illusion

Clay, 37 cm high, 24 cm wide, 24 cm deep.

The sculpture is dedicated to awareness and enlightment. It is important to wake up and to realize that we are not small and lonely. We are part of huge spirit, creative energy, that creates all the alive world. If we remember who we truly are, we will not feel small and vulnerable, we will not feel fears and doubts. We will start creating our life consciously.

Shipped in a secure wooden crate. Professionally packaged.

Available online in SAATCHI GALLERY.

Friday, July 12, 2024

My sculpture in exhibition in Athens

My sculpture in exhibition in Athens, Greece.

3-13 July "What about Eve?"
Group exhibition in Melina Cultural Centre.

Curated by Eva Maragaki and Julia Sysalova

My sculpture is called "LIVING OUT OF MIND"

It is so important to get free of our brain programs by looking at them from outside and realising that our thoughts are not us, but just the brain working. Once we understand that we get a chance to become free and to be friends with our brain giving it the direction we choose in order to create our reality.

I created this sculpture to remind you about your path to freedom.

My sculpture with my art curator Julia Sysalova

Monday, July 1, 2024

My Creator sculpture will fly to Athens, Greece!

My Creator sculpture is flying soon to the art collector and art curator Julia Sysalova in Greece, Athens.

I am happy that my Creator will be in the amazing art curator's collection!


Clay, 26 cm high.

This sculpture is dedicated to awareness and enlightenment. It is very important to wake up at some point and remember who you really are. A person may feel small, helpless and lonely. But this is an illusion. The truth is that we are all one creative energy, One Creator. We are not small and not lonely. We are everywhere and by changing our perception, remembering our trueself, we get the opportunity to create our reality out of love, live fully, happily and manifest our prosperous and harmonious life. A person who has realized that s/he is Creator creates a beautiful world instead of the chaos and suffering which is created by the Ego-mind.

Browse my other sculptures online on SAATCHI ART GALLERY.

"What about Eve?" women exhibition in Athens, Greece

I feel honoured to take part in this exhibition in Melina Art Centre in Athens, Greece with many women artists from different countries.


Eva Maragaki– Artist

Julia Sysalova – Art Critic


Participating Artists (in alphabetic order):


Rania Bellou    

Dora Βelegrinou  



Dimitra Chanioti















Silvina derMeguerditchian





Irina Pakhmutova


Vicky Perikleous  

Artemis Potamianou

Liora Redman

Veera Romanoff

Vera Siaterli 

Elisaveta Sivas

Annetta Spanoudaki 

Barbara Spirouli 

Maya Shi 

Martha Tsiara

Sofia Vlazaki 

Dina Zakman

Matina Zevgoli


Opening Day

3 July, Wednesday, 20:30


Live Performance “Where Do Flowers Go When They Die”

So many great possibilities in art have opened since I have finished the International Art Communication Online School by Julia Sysalova last year.

I am presenting this raku sculpture of mine.


Clay, raku

20 cm (H), 13 cm (D), 12 cm (W), 2019

This sculpture is an allegorical representation of the woman trying to get out of her brain programs and gain freedom. It is important to stop identifying ourselves with our Ego, with the voice in our mind. This voice comes from the brain and it is not us. It is full of doubts, fears, pain, uncertainties. Our Trueself is Higher Energy, Creator which is one and the same for all the humans. Creator is only about love, harmony and wisdom. When we associate ourselves with our Higher self we start to create our harmonious, prosperous, peaceful life.