Sunday, June 23, 2024


Clay, 40 cn high.

The sculpture is dedicated to the process of the search of the Trueself. This is the most important life goal of each human. Each person wishes to find the trueself, to remember the true nature. Even unconsciously we cannot realise this. Each path of search is individual like a unique labyrinth, but all the paths a similar to each other. Through a series of struggles and life difficulties we come to understand that we do not come here to struggle and to suffer, but to live full life, to create harmony, beauty and abundance through love. When we understand that we are all one God, one energy in many bodies, we can achieve happiness.

Available for purcahse on SAATCHI ONLINE GALLERY.


My Creator art participating in the exhibition in Cupola art gallery, Sheffield, UK.

I feel so glad to participate in the group exhibition in  "Miniatures Revisited" in Cupola Art Gallery in Sheffield, UK, March 15-April 27 2024.
I have presented 2 of my Creator drawings.

Through my Creator art I want to lead humanity to higher level of consciousness. I wish people could remember their true nature. We are all one God, one Creator materialised in many human bodies on Earth.
When we realise this, our life will be more harmonious, more peaceful, more abundant.


Article about the exhibition in Tyrol, Austria

So glad about this publication regarding the exhibition in Pfaffenhofen/Telfs, Tyrol, Austria
"Kunst trefft couch"

Find my art in Bota Art Gallery, Innsbruck, Austria


My art is included into "101 CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS AND MORE..." edition!!!

This is a really wonderful news.
It is a special art book edition by Collect Art, Tbilisi, Georgia
Such an honour for my sculpture!


So happy to have a new publication in the CATALOGUE of the SCULPTURE SYMPOSIUM!!!

It was a real pleasure to have 4 pages dedicated to me and my art in the catalogue of the 26th International Stone Sculpture Symposium in Vergnacco, Reana del Rojale, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy, 2023.

I have created a Creator public art sculpture to spread the knowledge about the Creator, to spread consciousness and the truth about who we are!!!

We are one Creator, One God, One Spirit manifested in many bodies on Earth!

My sculpture title is "I KNOW" (LO SO).
I know that I am Creator, God. And you are Creator, God. And we are all Creator, God.


My publications in ARTIST TALK MAGAZINE, London, UK

So glad to have my artworks published in the Artist Talk magazine!!!
An amazing magazine based in London.
I have got my art in the Issue 30 and Issue 31.


Exhibition in TELFS, Austria

I have taken part last year (2023) in this amazing exhibition in Pfaffenhofen/Telfs, Tyrol, Austria.


My new CREATOR sculpture!

My new Creator sculpture
CREATOR E (Epsilon): Truth and Illusion

25 cm high

This sculpture is dedicated to awareness and enlightment. It is very important to wake up at some point and to remember who you truly are. A person may feel small, helpless and lonely. But this is an illusion. The truth is that we are all one energy, one God, one spirit materialised in many bodies on Earth. By changing our perception and coming back to our trueself, we could start changing our reality creating harmony in our life from the true love we have inside.