Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Fear is a bad engine!!


Fear is a bad engine!!!

Years ago I defended my PhD in Theoretical Linguistics. But I realized I wanted to do art. So I left the university (even it was not easy) and decided to take up creativity.

It happened that I came to Paris without planning it and lived there for almost 2 years.

Once I was sitting in a large company of artists. One friend artist asked me what I wanted to do. I replied that I wanted to draw. I meant in my life now! But he understood it literally, left and came back with a sheet of paper and a pencil and said: "Draw!"

I was a little shy from surprise. I did not know where to start. There were many people looking at me. What if I draw something wrong? So I draw nothing...

Later this artist told me an interesting phrase that was imprinted in my mind: "La peur est un mauvais moteur." ("Fear is a bad motor.")

I kept reflecting on this phrase for a couple of days. Then I bought canvases, oil paints and brushes, read a little about how to mix everything (I never painted with oils!!) and started painting!

Why am I telling you this story? I want you to go through your fears. Many times our fears block us from living our life, from doing what we like.

In childhood everything is simple - we just do what we like. As adults we are blocked by irrational fears.

But it is important to go through fear, make mistakes, learn and find your Trueself.

And remember "La peur est un mauvais moteur."🙌

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