Monday, July 1, 2024

My Creator sculpture will fly to Athens, Greece!

My Creator sculpture is flying soon to the art collector and art curator Julia Sysalova in Greece, Athens.

I am happy that my Creator will be in the amazing art curator's collection!


Clay, 26 cm high.

This sculpture is dedicated to awareness and enlightenment. It is very important to wake up at some point and remember who you really are. A person may feel small, helpless and lonely. But this is an illusion. The truth is that we are all one creative energy, One Creator. We are not small and not lonely. We are everywhere and by changing our perception, remembering our trueself, we get the opportunity to create our reality out of love, live fully, happily and manifest our prosperous and harmonious life. A person who has realized that s/he is Creator creates a beautiful world instead of the chaos and suffering which is created by the Ego-mind.

Browse my other sculptures online on SAATCHI ART GALLERY.

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